Partner Organizations

Partner Organizations

It takes all types to make a community tick, and the North Houston District is no exception. We are fortunate to have several positive forces at work in our community, including nonprofit groups, networking associations and economic development organizations that play a role in building community and fueling growth in our area.

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Strategic Partners

N. Houston Development Corp Logo
Greens Bayou Coalition Logo
Greenspoint Community Partners Logo

Business & Economic Development

North Houston Association Logo
North Houston Economic Development Center Logo
Houston Intercontinental Chamber of Commerce Logo

Family & Youth Programming

HCPL Aldine Branch Logo

There are also a variety of nonprofit and faith-based organizations, such as Godspoint Mission Center, Green House International Church and Harvest Time Church, that provide services to the community.

For more information about what you can find in the North Houston District, visit our interactive map.

Greenspoint Community Partners

Greenspoint Community Partners (GCP) is a 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to strengthening the community through programs that enhance the quality of life and establish a renewed sense of area identity and pride. It was established by the North Houston District in 2004 to sustain and grow financial and community support for programs that would otherwise be absent in the community.
GCP is governed by a volunteer board of directors, composed of business partners and residents. Although a separate entity, the GCP board works in partnership with the District to support community programs that focus on three key areas – parks & recreation, public safety, and beautification.

Street Sweeping